The beach was bright. The waves rolled. And joy, in every sight, took hold.
"Papa, why can't I join?"
Twelve-year-old Ritvik grumbled, tugging at his father's wrist with pleading brown eyes, mirroring the sentiments of everyone else on the wooden deck. His mom chuckled at his attempt to sway his father's decision.
"Kids aren't allowed, Vik," his elder brother, Ranveer, said, flipping the fish on the pan, the sizzling sound filling the air between them as they cooked on the small stove.
"I'm not a kid, Saisha is."
Ritvik pouted, pointing at his sleeping one-month-old sister in the crib, her pink lips puckered as she sucked in air, dreaming of milk. And Saisha, their little sister, shares all the traits of her beautiful mother but the eyes of her father.
This small family shared similar traits: black hair, brown eyes. The boys inherited their mother's pointed nose and their father's soft smile from their genes.
"Vik, kids aren't allowed there. Otherwise, Papa wouldn't deny it," their mother said, looking at Ritvik, who huffed in frustration. His father gently lifted him into his lap, trying to soothe his disappointment.
Their parents' marriage began as a tale of forbidden love. Married in their early twenties, they defied the odds, their union a blend of privilege and modesty.
While their father hailed from wealth, their mother belonged to a slightly lower social class. Initially, their grandfather opposed the union, but love knows no bounds. They forged a secret alliance, labeling it an arranged marriage for appearances.
Despite the challenges they faced, their love endured, blossoming into a beautiful family.
Blessed with three children—Ranveer, the firstborn, followed by Ritvik and Saisha—their home was a haven of warmth and affection.
Having a child after twelve years, after Ritvik, was unexpected.
They hadn't planned for another, but their mother had always wanted a baby girl to complete their family. In her eyes, a girl would bring a sense of wholeness and completeness to their home.
Through their journey, they proved that love conquers all, transcending the barriers of class and tradition.
"Please, Papa, I want to go to the party," Ritvik pleaded again, his eyes shining.
His elder brother glanced over from the stove, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Come on, Vik, you know the rules. Besides, it's not your kind of party," he said, flipping the fish with practiced ease.
It was their traditional visit to the beach house, but tonight held an added layer of excitement. They were also here for the winter party hosted by their aunt, Rashi, whose place was conveniently located nearby.
Rashi had invited the whole family, but upon discovering that the party would involve alcohol, the father decided it wasn't suitable for the kids. They planned to return home in an hour after the night fell.
"But everyone else gets to go!" Ritvik protested, crossing his arms in frustration.
"Everyone else isn't twelve years old," Ranveer countered, a teasing smile playing on his lips.
Ritvik's shoulders slumped in defeat, but his determination remained. "Please, papa, just this once," he pleaded, giving his father his best puppy-dog eyes.
"Papa, can't we try?" Ranveer said.
"No, it's the third time you're asking this. and it's still a no." Their father said, kissing Ritvik's head.
"Okay, but I want something in return for this stay," Ritvik declared, his arms curled tightly against his chest.
His soft, small body was covered with a cozy grey jacket, the fabric warm against his skin. He wore matching pants and a brown scarf wrapped snugly around his neck, his breath forming small puffs of mist in the chilly evening air.
"What my boy want will get?"
"A more Hot Wheels set," Ritvik exclaimed eagerly, his eyes lighting up.
His father chuckled. "Alright, deal. But you have to promise to behave yourself while we're gone."
Ritvik nodded enthusiastically, already imagining the new Hot Wheels set he would add to his collection.
"Huh! Say it, you want toys," Ranveer teased his brother, flashing him a devilish grin.
Ritvik shot him a cute glare, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he got caught. He stuck his tongue out at Ranveer, who returned the glare with his dark brown eyes.
Ranveer, who was eighteen years old, had a slim yet toned build, with veins visible on his neck. He was dressed in a black turtleneck, a matching sleek black jacket, and rugged jeans. The rewards of hitting the gym were starting to show.
Suddenly, their sister started crying, and her wails pierced the air. Their mom rushed over, she scooped up the crying baby.
Ranveer rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, "Kids."
"What happened, sweetheart? Did you have a bad dream?" She cooed, gently rocking the baby in her arms.
Saisha, still just one month old, lay contentedly in her crib, her tiny fingers grasping at the air as she watched the world around her with wide-eyed curiosity.
Their mom checked on her periodically, fussing over her to ensure she was comfortable and happy.
As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting vibrant shades of orange and pink across the sky, the family gathered on the patio, dressed in their best party attire.
Their father decided Ritvik and Saisha would stay at the cottage with their nanny, while Ranveer would join the party with them.
"Sleep tight and don't give Aunt Fran any trouble," their mother instructed, nodding towards Fran, who held Saisha in her arms.
"Okay, Mum," he replied softly, reluctantly accepting his fate for the evening.
Fran smiled reassuringly at Ritvik. "Don't worry, Ritvik. We'll have our own fun here, won't we, Saisha?" she said, gently rocking the sleeping baby in her arms.
Their father ruffled Ritvik's hair affectionately. "That's the spirit. You two have a great time together. We'll be back before you know it," he promised, giving him a reassuring smile before the three sat in the car.
Ranveer settled into the backseat, while their mother joined their father in the passenger seat. The engine roared to life as their father navigated the car from the beach onto the dark road.
As they drove along the winding road, the headlights illuminated the path ahead, casting eerie shadows in the surrounding trees. The cool breeze ruffled through the open windows, carrying the scent of the ocean with it.
Their mother glanced out the window, her eyes reflecting the shimmering moonlight. "It's such a beautiful night," she remarked softly, her hand reaching out to grasp her husband's.
He squeezed her hand reassuringly, his gaze focused on the road ahead. "Yes, it is."
"It's such a sudden party," Ranveer murmured, looking ahead. His father nodded, "Yeah, she never planned a winter party."
"Some things are meant to be spontaneous," his mom added. "By the way, did your fuss with her get resolved?"
"Yeah, it did," his dad said.
Ranveer didn't inquire further, knowing his father would share details if necessary.
The car journeyed on in the silence of the night. However, disaster struck in the middle of the journey as the brakes failed, sending a shiver of panic through all three occupants of the car.
Frantic shouts filled the air as Ranveer's father desperately tried to regain control of the vehicle.
"The brakes aren't working!"
But it's too late.
With a sickening crunch, the car careens off the road, crashing into the unforgiving earth.
The impact was jarring, the airbags deploying with a loud hiss.
Ranveer's mother suffered a deep gash on her forehead, blood trickling down her face.
His father was flung violently towards the edge of the cliff, disappearing into the darkness below.
In the chaos that follows, Ranveer's eyes close, his world spinning into darkness before he can even comprehend the horror unfolding around him.
His last sight is of his parents, their forms still and lifeless, crimson streams staining the wreckage.
Darkness consumes him, the echoes of his mother's cries mingle with the distant wails of his baby sister, Saisha, left behind in the safety of their home and the innocent brother, who started seeing life, now everything will be shattered, their family will be shattered in seconds.
The innocence of youth shatters, replaced by the harsh reality of loss and grief.
The night was long. The tears were cold. And the heartache, strong.
The one-month-old baby cried loudly in the nanny's arms, her tiny body wracked with sobs that echoed through the empty rooms of the house.
She reached out, longing for her mother's comforting touch, but it was nowhere to be found.
The walls seemed to close in around her as she continued to cry, her tears falling like raindrops on the cold floor.
The nanny rocked her gently, trying to soothe her, but nothing could fill the void left by her mother's absence.
Outside, the wind howled mournfully, matching the baby's cries as if mourning alongside her for the loss of her parents.
Despite the passage of time, the pain of their absence lingered, casting a shadow over the once vibrant household.
Ranveer stared at the wooden floor, his thoughts a jumbled mess of shock and sorrow.
His younger brother clung to him tightly, tears streaming down his cheeks as he mourned their lost parents.
Ranveer wrapped his arms around his brother, holding him close and gently rubbing his back. It was the only comfort he could offer in their time of need. Tears had dried on his cheeks, but the pain in his heart remained for a lifetime.
Their whole lives, they had known nothing but happiness and love, shielded from the harsh realities of the world by their doting parents.
Now, with their sudden and tragic deaths, a mountain of grief had descended upon them, crushing their innocence and leaving them adrift in a sea of sorrow.
Ranveer, the eldest sibling, had always been cherished by his parents. With his tall frame and broad shoulders, he looked older than his years.
He had always been emotionally connected to his parents, spending more time with them than with friends. His dark eyes held a sadness now, a weight that seemed to age him beyond his age.
Ritvik, his younger brother, was small for his age but had the same pain, with chubby cheeks and tousled black hair.
He clung to Ranveer, his tears staining his round face. "Bhai, I want mumma, papa," he sobbed, his small body trembling in Ranveer's lap.
Ranveer held Ritvik close, feeling his brother's sobs wrack his small frame. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head, trying to offer whatever comfort he could.
"They're gone, Ritvik," Ranveer whispered, his voice strained with emotion. "We can't bring them back."
"Please, bhai, ask God to bring them back. I promise to be good," Ritvik pleaded, his tears flowing freely as he struggled against his brother's embrace.
Ranveer looked into Ritvik's tear-filled eyes, his heart breaking at the sight of his brother's pain.
"God doesn't work like that, Vik," he murmured, his voice trembling slightly.
Ritvik, accustomed to sleeping with their parents, had struggled to find rest since their passing, just like their infant sister, Saisha, who was now left an orphan.
"Bhai, please ask him. He'll listen," Ritvik insisted, his voice trembling with desperation.
"He won't," Ranveer snapped, his head throbbing with pain. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the ache.
"Don't cry, Vik. Look, Saisha is here," he said, his voice strained as he motioned towards their one-month-old sister in the nanny's arms.
The nanny approached Ranveer, silently handing Saisha over to him as Ritvik watched eagerly. He sat on Ranveer's thigh, clinging to him as Ranveer cradled Saisha close to his chest.
"You're crying, so she's crying too," Ranveer murmured, his voice gentle as he rocked Saisha in his arms, trying to soothe her.
Ritvik's voice was hoarse as he spoke. "She needs mum and papa," he said, his eyes filled with longing and fat tears.
"I know, Vik. We all do. But crying won't bring them back," Ranveer replied softly, cradling Saisha in his left arm as she began to drift off to sleep.
A small smile touched his lips as he watched her eyelids flutter closed. "Look, she's sleeping," he whispered, gesturing towards his sister.
Ritvik's eyes widened with wonder as he gazed at Saisha, his expression filled with awe. He reached out and gently tickled her tiny fists, causing her to giggle in her sleep.
Ranveer leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead before turning his attention back to Ritvik.
After several minutes, Ritvik's eyes began to droop, his head lolling against Ranveer's chest. Ranveer gently handed Saisha back to the nanny, who took her to their late parents' room, before guiding Ritvik to his bed and tucking him in.
As he did so, Ritvik's soft voice trailed off, muttering for their mother. "Mum..." he whispered, in his sleep.
Ranveer sighed, understanding his brother's pain, and lifted him into his arms once more, soothing him until he fell into a deep sleep.
He walked back and forth across the room, the routine of comforting Ritvik at the end of each day becoming all too familiar.
It had been a month since their parents' tragic accident, and Ritvik's nightly tears had become routine, a heartbreaking reminder of their loss. Saisha, now two months old, remained unaware of the turmoil surrounding her.
"I hate God, Bhai," Ritvik murmured as they stood together on the balcony, Ranveer holding him tightly in his arms.
Ranveer's life felt confined within the walls of their house, trapped by the memories of the accident that haunted his dreams. Nightmares of demons dragging him away left him feeling cold, numb, and terrified.
"Even I hate him," Ranveer murmured, his gaze fixed on the dark sky above.
"I'll give my Hot Wheels to God, Bhai, then we will return....." he trailed off, his voice fading as sleep overtook him in Ranveer's arms. Ranveer sighed, the void of loneliness creeping in once more.
Suddenly, their grandfather's voice shattered the silence, jolting Ranveer from his thoughts as he shook him by the shoulder.
He turned, his eyes meeting the older man's gaze, filled with a mixture of sadness and concern.
"Veer," his grandfather said gently, his voice thick with the loss of his son and daughter-in-law. "We need to be strong for each other now. Your parents would want that."
Ranveer felt his grandfather's words wash over him, but they couldn't penetrate the thick fog of grief that clouded his mind.
It had been a month since his parents' tragic passing, yet the pain still felt raw and unyielding, like an open wound that refused to heal.
Ranveer's thoughts remained fixated on the haunting images that had plagued his dreams since that fateful night.
Then sight of his parents' lifeless bodies, consumed by flames in cremation, haunted him like a ghost, refusing to fade into the recesses of his memory.
"Leave India. I will handle Ritvik and Saisha," the old man repeated the same thing he had been saying for the past month.
"No, I won't leave them. I need them, and they need me," Ranveer almost yelled in frustration, his heart aching at the thought of being separated from his siblings.
He gently brushed away the dry tears from Ritvik's chubby cheeks as the young boy drifted off to sleep in his elder brother's arms.
The old man's voice softened, his eyes reflecting the pain of a lifetime of loss.
"Ranveer, I understand your pain, but you're young and the next heir to take your father's place. You need time to heal, so please, consider leaving for a while," he urged.
Ranveer's shoulders slumped, exhaustion and sorrow weighing him down. He looked side at his shoulder, his sleeping brother, a lump forming in his throat at the sight of Ritvik's tear-stained cheeks.
"I don't know about anything, Grandfather. I just... I can't bear the thought of leaving them alone while I try to heal. It's tearing me apart,"
The old man reached out, placing a weathered hand on Ranveer's shoulder, offering silent support.
Then, their aunt Rashi's voice cut through the air as she stepped in with Saisha in her arms. The nanny followed behind, her expression filled with pity as she looked at the children.
At Rashi's side was her son Anay, who was around Ritvik's age. Rashi was a divorced woman, a single parent raising Anay on her own.
"You won't be leaving them alone, Beta. I will be here for them, and you can come back once you've had time to heal. You have to yourself strong to look after them."
Ranveer watched as his aunt cradled Saisha. Despite his not so liking for her, he knew he had no choice but to bear her presence now that his parents were gone; she was family too.
"What about them, Ritvik, Saisha?" His voice cracked with emotion as he kissed Ritvik's head, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. "Who will heal them, the childhood wounds they didn't even know they had?"
"They will find their own path, Ranveer. Just as you must find yours." She said, her eyes also puff, and she also cried.
Ranveer's brow furrowed in confusion, "But how? How can they heal without me?"
"Ah, my boy, children are more resilient than we give them credit for. They have each other, and they have us. We'll muddle through somehow, just like we always do, your grandfather and I will be there for them."
"Yes, we are. Veer, I want to see my happy grandson again, with joyful eyes that shine when he looks at his siblings," Grandfather said, embracing Ranveer and patting his back. "Also, your insomnia is getting worse here."
Ranveer nodded, though his heart remained heavy with doubt. After losing everything, he now had his grandfather, and he felt compelled to put his faith in him.
He was in no right mind to make decisions, feeling like he was dying inside, mentally as much as physically. His thoughts were blocked, and he felt void, unsure of his actions at times. The pain he carried was incomprehensible to others.
"I hope you're right. For their sake, and for mine," he added, holding Ritvik tightly.
Vulnerability is often the first step to healing, and the bravest path one can take.
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Ranveer has a dark past, and this chapter only scratches the surface of his grief.
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